Mobile App Development
According to Nielsen*, over 271 million adults in the U.S. own some type of a mobile device and those adults spend more time on mobile media than they do on newspapers and magazines combined. They predict that the global mobile market will grow from $3.4 billion in 2010, to $22 billion in 2016. Also noted, 64% of mobile phone time is spent on a mobile app of some sort.
* Source: Nielsen
our amazing MOBILE APP partners
Mobile Applications have already become a "big player" in today's marketplace and it will become an even signifcantly larger player in the near future. Rowbotham & Associates is proud to have partnered with some of the most talented and skilled mobile programmers in the world. Whether you're in need of an application to help sell your products and services, provide valuable information to new and existing customers, increase your brand recognization, or anything else for that matter, through our partnerships at Rowbotham & Associates, we will be able to take your idea and make it a reality.